Internet mailings

Webpl@n-IT offers your company @mailing services which help save you time and money. For @mailings, Webpl@n-IT creates the complete mail based on the received information or can only create the layout and framework. Once the framework is finished the mailing is published on a secure website and can be reviewed by you. The online tool lets you review the mailing that have been provided and make the necessary changes online.  

To send the information from you to us a secure space is made available to upload all the information using a standard internet connection instead of sending all information via mail, cd or storage device. 
Once the mailing is finished and accepted by you, the @mail is send to the whole mailinglist. After each mailing a full report is send with: a list of all the addresses that are not correct and a list of “read” and “not-read” mails.

Also extra features can be delivered by the @mail :
            Webpage version of the @mail
            Links towards other sites
            Links towards a streamingserver for online movies
            Moving icons or words to attract the attention on specific part of the @mail